"...New Brothers, Inc. has been serving the spiritual needs of incarcerated and post-incarcerated men and their families."
Titus 2 PenPals is a discipleship-focused pen pal ministry based on Titus 2:4-8, which instructs the older men and women in the church to mentor younger Believers, helping them become grounded in a godly life that is above reproach.
If you are 60 or older and want more information, please contact us! We are happy to answer any questions.
(Volunteers who are new to us will be asked to have their Pastor submit a letter of introduction and recommendation. We will give you a list of Guidelines to make sure all your questions are answered.)
HopeMail is a free, monthly, subscription service for incarcerated men and women anywhere in the United States. Each mailing is designed to encourage, give inspiration, and aspiration to men and women during their incarceration. You can also get involved with HopeMail as a Hope Writer. Find out more!
"...New Brothers, Inc. has been serving the spiritual needs of incarcerated and post-incarcerated men and their families."
PRAY - Pray for incarcerated men and women, pray for their families, pray for salvation in the hearing of the Gospel, pray for HopeMail and Titus 2 PenPals.
SERVE - Contact us to find out more about becoming a Hope Note Writer, Titus 2 PenPal, Discipleship Group volunteer or leader. You're whole church can get involved.
GIVE - You can give through PayPal or Venmo.
For NBF, aftercare is the spiritual support someone needs upon release from corrections, or as they are coming out of addiction. This is centered upon learning how to walk in the authroity of the love and power of the Holy Spirit.
Based on Titus 2:1-8, these are Christian men and women who attend and participate in Discipleship Groups. Primarily, they focus on building relationships, and become "passive mentors." These men and women do the work of modeling how to follow Christ.
Absolutely! - Contact Doug Gregan to find out more information about participating and training.
"On September 2, Prison Fellowship chairman Charles Colson faced a situation that mirrors what the church as a whole faces. People of several faiths, many of whom were attending the Parliament of the World's Religions, gathered at Rockefeller Chapel on the campus of the University of Chicago to hear an address on religious liberty. What do evangelicals have to say in a pluralistic setting? How do we talk about the cultural role of religion with those who worship other gods? As the winner of the 1993 Templeton Prise for Progress in Religion, Mr. Colson had earned the right to stand on the platform. What follows is . . . what he said when he got there." -- Taken from Moody magazine, November 8, 1993, page 31. Editor's Note (from the printed version of this message circulated by Prison Fellowship):
In March 1993 Charles W. Colson was named the recipient of the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion. Established in 1972 by financier Sir John Marks Templeton, this prestigious award is given annually to a person who has shown "extraordinary originality in advancing humankinds's understanding of God."
Rom. 13:14 But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof.
One of the most blatant but casually dismissed strategies of Satan is allowing us to categorize and grade the activities and mindsets of the Flesh.
This means that some places we yield to our flesh we have decided are not really "that bad." It's just a little joke, a little curse word, a little insult, a little appreciation for "her beauty", a little gossip, a little disrespect, a little lie...
Those who categorize their participation with their Flesh this way are deceived and deluded in their understanding of the Flesh, and the Devil. Neither your Flesh or Satan are hindered by quantity or measurement.
“Why are you always judging me?”
“Jesus said, ‘Don’t judge, lest you be judged.’”
“I just want to be encouraged. You’re always focusing on my sin.”
These are just three out of a myriad of statements I hear in the course of my day, working with a man in a discipleship relationship. In fact, there is a mindset throughout the church in America that believes there is no place for the Christian to judge; everything we say from the pulpit or to one another should be loving encouragement that never highlights sin, erroneous thinking, or plain rebellion to God. I honestly have to ask myself if people are even reading the same Bible. Have they read even one of Paul’s letters, or Proverbs, or the Prophets, or the words of Jesus?
The ministry verse of New Brothers Fellowship is 1 John 1:7, which reads:
There is a popular, Christian colloquialism that says: Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor in the morning the Devil says, “Oh, no!” You may have seen this, or something close to it, on a mug or plaque. It’s a very popular meme* on social media. I guess it’s meant to be motivational, but every time I see it I get kind of bothered.
Why is anyone trying to impress Satan?
Hate to burst any bubbles, but even at our best—our most devout and faithful—Satan still thinks we’re easy prey.
I just want to encourage you to do one thing today: ask God.
Ask Him for anything and everything. Ask Him for whatever it is you desire or need. Ask Him for the thing you would never admit to wanting, but long for desperately in your heart. Just ask Him. Go ahead!
Honestly, I feel really strongly about this. I really believe we ask too little of God, and try too hard to make things happen for ourselves. I’m not opposed to us trying to make things happen for ourselves, and sometimes that’s the way to do it, even as we pray for the Lord’s help in our doing.
However, too often we just don’t think God cares about our problems. We don’t think we deserve His help.
This ministry is entirely funded by the private, freewill offerings of individuals and churches. Please, consider supporting the work God is doing with your monthly pledge or a special gift.
Offerings may be mailed to: